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丛编项: 普通高等教育"十二五"规划双语系列教材
 O.1 Development of control theory
 0.2 Structural requirements and control features of thesystem
 0.3 Nonlinear control in power system
 0.4 The main content of modern control ll~eory
Chapter 1 State-space expression of control system
 1. 1 The basic concepts
 1.2 The simulation structure diagram of state:spaceexpression
 1.3 The construction of state-space expression
 1.4 The construction of state-space expression from transferfunction
 1.5 Transfer function and transfer function matrix fromtransfer function to state e
 1.6 State-space expression of composite system
 1.7 Linear transformation
 1.8 State-space expression of discrete system
Chapter 2 The solution of state-space expression of controlsystem
 2.1 Solution of homogeneous state equation of lineartime-invariant system
 2.2 Matrix exponent
 2.3 Homogeneous solution of time-varying system
 2.4 State transfer matrix
 2.5 Solution of linear continuous system non-homogeneousstate equation
 2.6 Solution of discrete-time system state equation
 2.7 Discretization of continuous time-state-spaceexpression
Chapter 3 Controllability and observability of linearsystem
 3.1 Controllability of time-invariant discrete system
 3.2 Controllability of time-invariable continuoussystem
?3.3 Observability of time-invariant system
 3.4 Controllability and observability of linear time-varyingsystem
 3.5 The dual relation of controllability andobservability
 3.6 Structural decomposition of linear time-invariantsystem
 3.7 Relation of controllability, observability and transferfunction matrix
 3.8 Controllability standard and observabilitystandard
 3.9 System realization
Chapter 4 Stability and Lyapnnov method
 4.1 The basic concept of stability
 4.2 The basic idea of Lyapunov function
 4.3 Lyapunov function stability method
 4.4 Asymptotic stability
 4.5 Some common construction method of Lyapunovfunction
 4.6 Vector Lyapunov function
 4.7 Application of Lyapunov methods in linear system
 4.8 Lyapunov method in Hamilton system
Chapter 5 Synthesis of linear time-invariant system
 5.1 Definition and property of state feedback
 5.2 Pole assignment
 5.3 System stabilization problem
 5.4 System decoupling problem
 5.5 State observer
Chapter 6 Optimal control
 6.1 Summary
 6.2 Variational methods of solving optimal control
 6.3 Hamilton function
 6.4 Phorcha problem
 6.5 Minimum principle
 6.6 Dynamic programming
 6.7 Linear quadratic optimal control problem