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现代工业培训与创新人才培养 第十一届现代工业培训国际学术会议论文集 英文版 丁洪生,付铁,薛庆 等主编 2015年版

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现代工业培训与创新人才培养 第十一届现代工业培训国际学术会议论文集 英文版
作者:丁洪生,付铁,薛庆 等主编
  现代工业培训国际学术会议创办于1986年,至今已走过近30年的历程。该会议每三年举办一次,历届分别在广州、南京、武汉、西安、济南、北京、重庆、香港、南京和大连等地举办。第十一届现代工业培训国际学术会议(11CMIT)由北京理工大学和香港理工大学联合主办,将于2015年10月在北京举行。主要议题涉及工程教育与工业培训、工业发展与人才需求、师资培训与队伍建设、培训模式与运行管理、培训方法与效果评价、基地建设与教育技术、校企联合与国际合作共7个方面。作为工程教育、培训机构人才培养和企业人力资源需求之间的一个国际学术交流平台,旨在分享高等工程教育和实践教学方面的改革成果,交流和探讨工业培训方面的新理念、新做法和新进展,促进人才培养质量的提高和推动国际现代工业培训的发展。《现代工业培训与创新人才培养 第十一届现代工业培训国际学术会议论文集(英文版 附光盘)》为此会议的论文集。
Session A Latest Developments of Engineering Education and Industrial Training
Advanced Computer Simulation and Visualization for Industry Training
Outline of the Japanese Vocational Education&Training(VET)Systems and on.thejob Training
(OJT)Activity for VET Instructors
Engineering Practice Ability Boosting the Cultivation of Engineering Innovative Talents
Fu Shuigen,Wei Xianggui,Liang Jiahai and Yan Xiaojuan
Knowledge System of the Course in“Engineering Materials and Mechanical Manufacturing Basis
Based on the Nearly Practical Curriculum Features
Sun Kangning,Zhang Jingde,Li Aiju,Fu Shuigen,Zhu Huabing,Xing Zhongwen,Zhang Yuanming
Discussion of the Teaching Methods for Engineering Cognition Based on General Education
ZhuHuabing.BaoHong andQianPengan
Constructing the New Metalworking Curriculum System for Adapting to Aims of the Talent Cultivation
Xing Zhongwen,Han Xiuqm,Hu Xiuli,Lei Chengxi,Yang Hongliang and Du Lijuan
Research and Implementation of Interdisciplinary Innovation Practice Project
ZhangWenjian.AnLiqiang andFang Jing
On the Knowledge System of Mechanical Basic Courses and Engineering Training for Art and
Design Majors
Xu Xianghong,Zhou Xiaojiang,Zhao Yanbo,Xiao Jinhua and Ye Feng
Teaching Reform of Engineering Training to Cultivate Engineering Talents
Zhang Hongzhe.Liang Yande and Dai Minghua
Study of Creational Practice Education Method
Wang Tan,Fu Shuigen,Chu Xiao and Fu Ruixue
Design of Nondestructive Testing Courses for College Students in Engineering Practice Ability
Wu Jianbo.Liu Shengqing and Luo Yang
Exploration and Practice for Transformation and Upgrading of Excellent Resource Sharing Course
Named“Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering Training”
Li Yan and Liu Shunyao
On Teaching Reform of Metal Processing for Aerospace Major
HanChengshun.XingZhongwen andYang Jing
Study of Metal Technology Curriculum Systems of Mechanical Engineering
Bao Jun.XingZhongwen andHanXiuqin
Exploration and Application of Practice Teaching Model to College Students Based on Project Driven
Huang Junqin.ZhangXiaohui andZhengMeng
Research and Exploration on Engineering Education Based on the Integration of Engineering and
Maker Culture
HuFuwen andXuHonghai
Exploration of the Engineering Ability Training Mode in the Artistic Design Specialty Majors
ZhouXiaojiang andXuXianghong
Research on Engineering Practice Curriculum System and Innovative Training Model
Lei Yarong,Zhang Xiaohui,Zheng Meng and Huang Junqin
Exploration of CoHaborative Innovation About Textbooks and Series Courses of Engineering Materials
and Machinery Manufacturing
LiFanNun.YuYuan andHeYadong
A Study on the Curricular Contents of Metal Technology Based on Engineering Education Accreditation
Han Xiuqin.Xing Zhongwen and Bao Jun
Research on Metalworking Course Content System of Material Forming Prof~!ssional
Cai Zhigang.Yang Hongliang.Han Chengshun and Xing Zhongwen
Teaching Research Practice on Mechanical Manufacturing Fundamentals Based on the Training
of Outstanding Engineers
Zhao Lihong,Wu Bin,Huang Xuemei and Yang Liping
Virtual Machining for Typical Workpieces to Enhance Engineering Training Curriculum
Huang Xuemei,Zhao Lihong,Tong Yongxiang and Wu Bin
Research of Curriculum System Establishing on the Modern Electronic Technology Training
Chen Ze.Song SuNng.Xiao Huan and Gflo Pengyi
Exploration of Engineering Culture Education in Engineering Training
Xi Yun.Kang Hua and Wang Lianchao
Reform on the Integration Teaching of Theory and Practice of NC Lathe and Engine Lathe on the
Base of Engineering Education
Design of Virtual CNC Milling Simulation for Teaching the Modern Manufacturing
Teaching Practice and Innovation Exploration of Bicycle Disassembly and Assembly Experiment
Wang Qiang.Liao Qing and Zhang Lihong
Teaching Reform and Practice of Fundamentals of Machinery Manufacturing Technology Based on
CDIO Education Concept
Wang Lihua.Li Li and Wu Xiaoqiang
Research on Engineering Training Cultivation Mode Based on CDIO
Bi Haixia,Wang Wei,Ma Yuqiong,Feng Huijuan,Zheng Hongwei and Zhang Yanrui
Maker Culture Under the Engineering Training——Introduction to Maker Spirit Reflected in the
Teaching of the Casting
Xing Xiaoying,Tang Bin,Ma Yun and Zhang Ziguang
Improve Challenges of the Engineering Training Course to Cultivate Students Creativity and
Innovation Ability
Chu Xiao,Liang Zhifang,Yang Xinghua,Gao Jianxin and Liang Yingchun
Application of“Flip Classroom”in“Modern Processing Technology and Practice”
Xu Weiguo,Li Rui,Zhang Xiuhai,Yao Qiming,Gao Ju and Wang Qun
Practice and Exploration on Professional Courses System of DCSFC in Training the Innovative Talents
Dong Jiong,LV Yi,Xiao Feng and Zhang Ming
An Instance of a Ground Simulation Experiment Device of the Moon Landing Buffer Component
to Innovative Trainning
Wang Shaochun,Du Lijuan,Cai Zhigang,Wang Xiaoxiang and Zou Yongwei
Building Projectbased Teaching System to Explore Engineering Education Training
Yu Hanqi,Wu Jinqiu,Li PeOuan and Chen Dulin
CAD/CAM Practicum Designed for Masscustomization Manufacturing Under the New
Technological Revolution
Ding Xiaoyu and Liu Shaoli_
Practice Experience ofIntroduction to Industry Course and Practice for College ofForeign Language Students
Wu Jianhua.LiuYanling and Liu Lingling
Session B Future Needs of Human Resources Development for Industry
Session C Faculty Training and Team Building.Up
Session D Training Model and Operation Management
Session E Training Pedagogy and Assessment System
Session F Infrastructure Building and Use of Technology in Engineering Education
Session G Industry—academia Partnership and I nternationaI Col laboration