应用型人才培养实用教材 建设工程专业英语
作者:李景林 主编
出版时间: 2016年版
丛编项: 普通高等院校土木工程十三五规划教材
1 Building Materials
1.1 Commonly Used Building Materials
1.2 Concrete as a Structural Material
1.3 Prestressed Concrete
1.4 Reinforced Concrete
1.5 Structural Steel
1.6 Bituminous Mixture
2 Building Structure
2.1 Philosophy of Structure Design
2.2 Safety of Structures
2.3 Reinforced Concrete
2.4 Tall Building and Steel Construction
2.5 Reliability of Structures
2.6 Loads, Strength and Structural Safety
3 Engineering Construction
3.1 Construction Projects
3.2 Surveying Engineering
3.3 Construction of the Concrete Engineering
3.4 The Durability of Concrete
3.5 The Earthwork
3.6 Building Construction
4 Construction Management
4.1 Project Management
4.2 The Schedule Planning
4.3 Construction Quality Management
4.4 Construction Safety Management
4.5 Equipment Management
4.6 The Completion of Test and Employers' Taking Ove
5 Projects Change Management
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Background
5.3 Effect of Project Change
5.4 Change Management Processes and Systems
5.5 Methodology and Data Presentation
5.6 Data Analysis and Discussions
6 Construction Bid and Call for Bids and Contract
6.1 Bid opening and award of contract
6.2 FIDIC(Excerpt)
7 Why Software Projects Escalate: The Importance of Project Management Constructs
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Background
7.3 Research Approach
7.4 Model Building and Results
7.5 Conclusion