出版时间: 2012年版
《别墅庭园设计指南》为《别墅庭园规划与设计》和《别墅庭园装饰》的合订本。《别墅庭园规划与设计》收录了近年国际上具有代表性的别墅庭园案例,通过实景图、平面图、手绘图、施工过程图和概括精辟的文字讲解为读者详尽介绍这些成功案例的设计思路, 并按庭园的风格分为现代庭园、欧式庭园、日式庭园、综合式庭园等。《别墅庭园装饰》着重于介绍庭园装饰元素在庭园中的运用,分为三部分:庭园装饰构成、庭园装饰元素和庭园装饰范例。本书将这两本书合二为一,全面指导设计师从整体的规划到细部的装饰上来打造成功的别墅庭园。
Villa Garden: Plan & Design
Contemporary Garden
Outdoor Lounge
Modern Revival
Contemporary Living
Modern Transformation
Front Yard Retreat
Red Walls
Ocean View Garden
Australian Garden
Simple Backdrop for Varied
and Interesting Plants
Resort Garden
Garden for Relaxation
Bringing the Beach to Your Home
A River Garden
Small Garden VS Large Landscape
Contemporary Sub-tropical Garden
Split-level Seating Terraces
Sunken Courtyard
Contemporary Entertainment Garden
Private View-oriented Terrace
Simple Contemporary Garden European Garden
Rural Natural Garden
Mediterranrean Estate
Intimate Gardens, Vivid Colors
A Series of Distinct Gardens
Grand Garden Making a New
House Look Old
Victorian Garden Japanese Garden
Flowers in Space
Japanese Jewel
Tranquil Zen Garden Fusion Style Garden
Contemporary Country Garden
A Virtuous Garden Far Beyond
Form and Emptiness
Cool and Composed
Form and Foliage
Hidden Valley
Soft Landscape Art-Deco of Villa Garden
The Constitution of Garden Decoration
Forms and Shapes
Decorative Patterns
Material sensation and Grain
Flavor PART II
Garden Decorative Elements
Pathways and Terraces
Fences and Walls
Decorative Structures
Resting Facilities
Sculptures and Ornaments
Plant Adornments
Flower Pots
Decorative Lighting Facilities PART III
Design Patterns of Garden Decoration
Southeast Asian Style
European Style
Chinese Style
Japanese Style
Contemporary Style