丛编项: 建筑与景观设计系列
A 办公建筑 Office Building
A.2大连银行Bank of Dalian
A.3万通船务公司Wantong Shipping Agency
A.4大连市邮政局Dalian Post Office
A.5大连邮电局营业楼The Business Building of
Dalian Post and Telecommunications Office
A.6大连化学物理研究所Dalian Institute of ChemicalPhysics
A.7沈阳铁路局大连铁路分局Shenyang Railway Bureau, Dalian Branch
A.8大连艺术展览馆Dalian Art Gallery
A.9外贸医院Foreign Trade Hospital
A.10大连国土房屋局Dalian Land Resources and the Housing Authority
A.11关东军司令部博物馆The Museum at the Headquarters of Kwantung Army
A.12驻军某部Military Property
B 行政建筑 Administrative Building
B.2中国工商银行Industry and Commercial Bank of China
B.3交通银行大连分行Bank of Communications, Dalian Branch
B.4大连市中级人民法院Dalian Intermediate People’s Court
B.5大连市人民政府Dalian Municipal Government
B.6驻军某部Military Property
B.7大连海昌集团Haichang Group Co.,Ltd.
C 银行建筑 Bank Building
C.1中国银行大连中山广场支行Bank of China, Zhongshan Square Branch
C.2工商银行中山广场支行ICBC Zhongshan Square Branch
C.3工商银行友好广场支行ICBC Youhao Square Branch
C.4大连银行Bank of Dalian
C.5商务会馆Business Mansion
D 商业建筑 Commercial Building
D.1大连宾馆Dalian Hotel
D.2大连秋林公司Dalian Qiulin Corporation
D.3大连饭店Dalian Hotel
E 教育建筑 Educational Building
E.1大连理工大学化工学院Chemical Engineering Institute of Dalian University ofTechnology
E.2大连市第二十四中学Dalian No. 24 Middle School
E.3大连市教育学院Dalian Education University
E.4驻军某部Military Property
E.5驻军某部Military Property
F 医疗建筑 Medical Building
F.1铁路医院Railway Hospital
F.2驻军某部Military Property
F.3造船医院Ship Building Hospital
G 公寓建筑A p a r t m e n t B u i l d i n g
G.1大连港职工住宅Port of Dalian Staff Housing
G.2大连工人疗养院Dalian Workers' Sanatorium
H 交通建筑 Transportation Building
H.1旅顺火车站Lvshun Railway Station
H.2大连火车站Dalian Railway Station
I 工业建筑 Industrial Building
I.1大连港1 5 库Warehouse 15 at Dalian Harbor
I.2大连公交客运集团有限公司电车分公司Dalian Public Transportation Bus Group Co.,Ltd. Trolley BusBranch
I.3中心变电所Central Transformer Station
J 市政建筑 Civic Building
J.1胜利桥Victory Bridge
J.2马兰河铁路桥Malan River Railway Bridge
J.3菜市桥Caishi Bridge
J.4港湾桥Harbor Bridge
J.5造船厂水塔The Water Tower at the Shipyard
K 文博建筑 Culture and Museum Building
K.1旅顺博物馆Lvshun Museum
K.2大连市少年儿童图书馆Dalian Children and Juvenile Library
K.3大连自然博物馆旧址Site of Dalian Natural Museum
L 宗教建筑 Religious Building
L.1基督教玉光街教堂Christ Church in Yuguang Street
L.2松山寺Songshan Temple
L.3大连市沙河口区老干部活动室The Veteran Room of Shahekou District, Dalian
L.4西安街天主教堂The Catholic Church in Xi’an Road
L.5大连京剧团剧场The Theater of Beijing Opera Troupe in Dalian