Scientists and managers alike need timely, cost-effective, and technically appropriate fire-related information to develop functional strategies for the diverse fire communities. Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires addresses wildtand fire management needs by presenting discussions that link ecology and the physical sciences from local to regional levels, views on integrated decision support data for policy and decision makers, new technologies and techniques, and future challenges and how remote sensing might help to address them. While creating awareness of wildland fire management and rehabilitation issues, hands-on experience in applying remote sensing and simulation modeling is also shared.This book will be a useful reference work for researchers, practitioners andgraduate students in the fields of fire science, remote sensing and modeling applications.
1 introduction to remote sensing and modeling applicationsto
wildland fires
2 wildland fire and eastern states diversity
2.1 introduction
2.2 the eastern united states
2.3 eastern united states diversity
2.4 a fire information strategy for the eastern states
demographic trends in the eastern us and the wildland urban
interface: implications for fire management
3.1 introduction
3.2 demographics
3.3 the wildland urban interface
3.3.1 georgia case study
3.4 implications for managers
3.5 conclusion
4 an overview of noaa's fire weather, climate, and airqualityforecast services
4.1 nws fire weather
4.2 products and services
4.3 making optimal use of nws technology
4.3.1 digital services
4.4 nws climate services
4.4.1 product improvements
4.5 national air quality forecasting
4.5.1 planned capabilities
4.6 summary
5 a review of wildland fire and air quality management
5.1 introduction
5.1.1 smoke contributes to air pollution
5.2 regulatory considerations relating to smoke
5.2.1 regional haze rule
5.2.2 national ambient air quality standards for pm
5.2.3 managing smoke from wildfire
5.3 a review of the taset report--tools available to managesmoke
5.4 smoke management--programs and systems
5.4.1 plan
5.4.2 do (implement)
5.4.3 check (evaluate)
5.4.4 act (improve)
5.5 summary
6 high-resolution numerical models for smoke transport in plumesfrom wildland fires
6.1 introduction
6.2 numerical model
6.3 dynamical properties of simulated plumes
6.3.1 mean plume trajectories
6.3.2 mean plume structure
6.3.3 turbulent kinetic energy (tke)
6.4 summary and conclusions
7 interaction between a wildfire and the sea-breeze front
7.1 introduction
7.1.1 sea-breeze structure and characteristics
7.1.2 radar observations of smoke plumes and the sea-breeze
7.1.3 effect of sea-breezes on fires
7.1.4 east fork fire
7.2 data and methodology
7.2.1 case study
7.2.2 idealized numerical simulations
7.3 case study analysis
7.4 numerical simulations
7.5 summary and conclusions
8 prescribed fire and air quality in the american south: a reviewof conflicting interests and a technique for incorporating the landmanager into regional air quality modeling
8.1 introduction
8.2 conflicts over the airshed of the american south
8.3 daysmoke
8.4 shrmc-4s
8.5 application
8.5.1 burn
8.5.2 daysmoke simulation
8.5.3 cmaq simulation
8.6 summary and discussion
9 estimates of wildland fire emissions
9.1 introduction
9.2 fire emission calculation
9.2.1 measurements
9.2.2 empirical relations
9.2.3 modeling
9.2.4 remote sensing
9.3 u.s. fire emissions
9.3.1 parameter specifications
9.3.2 spatial distribution
9.3.3 seasonal distribution
9.4 uncertainties
9.5 summary and perspective
10 integrating remote sensing and surface weather data to monitorvegetation phenology
10.1 introduction
10.2 methods
10.2.1 system introduction
10.2.2 surface weather-based phenology monitoring system
10.3 satellite-derived vegetation index data
10.3.1 avhrr normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi)
10.3.2 point retrieval interface
10.3.3 phenmon: the phenology monitoring system
10.4 results and discussion
10.4.1 surface observations gridding system
10.4.2 growing season index
10.4.3 avhrr ndvi data
10.4.4 general discussion
11 creating a crosswalk of vegetation types and fire fuel modelsfor the national park service
11.1 introduction
11.2 digital orthophoto mosaics
11.3 formation-level vegetation databases
11.4 fire fuel mapping
11.5 discussion
appendix a
appendix b
appendix c
12 diurnal and seasonal cycles of land fires from trmm
12.1 introduction
12.2 tsdis fire algorithms
12.3 tsdis fire products
12.4 seasonal and interannual variability
12.5 diurnal and seasonal cycles
12.5.1 diurnal cycle of trmm observation
12.5.2 seasonal variation
12.6 summary
13 fire research in the new jersey pine barrens
13.1 introduction
13.2 regional fire weather and climate modeling
13.3 fuel mapping, forest biomass and forest dynamics
13.4 air quality
13.5 conclusions
14 dead fuel loads in north carolina's piedmont and coastal plainand a small scale assessment of nfdrs fuel models
14.1 introduction
14.2 materials and measures
14.2.1 site descriptions
14.2.2 methods
14.3 results
14.3.1 dead fine and coarse woody fuel load
14.3.2 total dead (woody, litter and duff) fuel load
14.3.3 comparison between measured and nfdrs dead fuel loadestimates
14.4 discussion and conclusions
14.4.1 woody fuel load variability
14.4.2 dead fuel load variability
14.4.3 comparison between measured and nfdrs dead fuel loadestimates
15 numerical simulations of grassland fire behavior from thelanl-firetec and nist-wfds models
15.1 introduction
15.2 overview of the firetec and wfds numerical models
15.3 overview of grassland fire experiments
15.4 approach and results
15.4.1 head fire spread rate dependence on wind speed in augrassland fuel (wfds only)
15.4.2 head fire spread rate dependence on the head fire width inau grassland fuel (wfds only)
15.4.3 case studies--fire perimeter in au grassland fuel (wfdsonly)
15.4.4 simulation of tall grass (firetec and wfds)
15.5 conclusions
16 physics-based modeling of wildland-urban interface fires
16.1 introduction
16.2 wui fuels
16.3 fire model
16.4 conclusions
17 climate change and fire impacts on ecosystem critical nitrogenload
17.1 introduction
17.2 climate change impacts on critical loads
17.2.1 drought
17.2.2 climate change shifts in water availability
17.2.3 increased air temperature
17.3 fire impacts on critical pollutant loads
17.3.1 wildfire impacts on critical loads
17.3.2 controlled burn impacts on critical loads
17.4 combined impacts on critical pollutant loads
17.5 conclusions and future research
18 simulating fire spread with landscape level edge fuelscenarios
18.1 introduction
18.2 methods
18.2.1 study area
18.2.2 model inputs
18.2.3 simulations
18.3 results
18.4 discussion
19 the need for data integration to achieve forest sustainability:modeling and assessing the impacts of wildland fire on easternlandscapes
19.1 introduction
19.2 the montreal process
19.3 sustainable forest management (sfm)
19.4 northeastern forests--an example of changing conditions
19.5 modeling landscape conditions to address sustainable forestmanagement
19.6 conclusions
20 automated wildfire detection through artificial neuralnetworks.
20.1 introduction
20.2 data archiving
20.3 preliminary analysis
20.4 data reduction
20.5 neural network architecture
20.6 training and testing
20.7 classification and analysis
20.8 conclusions
21 altered disturbance regimes: the demise of fire in the easternunited states
21.1 introduction
21.2 methods
21.3 results and discussion
appendix a the eastern oak story
22 fire spread regulated by weather, landscape structure, andmanagement in wisconsin oak-dominated forests and new jerseypinelands
22.1 introduction
22.2 methods and materials
22.2.1 study areas
22.2.2 study design
22.2.3 model linkage and applications
22.3 results
22.4 discussion
22.5 conclusions
23 the gofc-gold fire mapping and monitoring theme:
assessment and strategic plans
23.1 introduction
23.2 gofc-gold fire goals and current implementation status
23.2.1 to increase user awareness by providing an improvedunderstanding of the utility of satellite fire products forresource management and policy within the united nations and atregional, national and local levels
23.2.2 to encourage the development and testing of standard methodsfor fire danger rating suited to different ecosystems and toenhance current fire early warning systems
23.2.3 to develop an operational global geostationary fire networkproviding observationsof active fires in near real time
23.2.4 to establish operational polar orbiters with fire monitoringcapability to provide operational moderate resolution long-termglobal fire products and enhanced regional products fromdistributed ground
23.2.5 to develop long-term fire data records by combining datafrom multiple satellite sources
23.2.6 to establish operational polar orbiters with fire monitoringcapability to provide operational high resolution data acquisitionallowing fire monitoring and post-fire assessments
23.2.7 to enhance fire product use and access by developingoperational multi-source fire and gis data and making theseavailable over the intemet
23.2.8 to establish an operational network of fire validation sitesand protocols, providing accuracy assessment for operationalproducts and a testbed for new or enhanced products, leading tostandard products of known accuracy
23.2.9 to operationally generate fire emission product suites ofknown accuracy providing annual and near real-time emissionestimates with available input data sets
23.3 example contributory activities from us agencies
23.3.1 nasa wildfire activities
23.3.2 noaa wildfire activities
23.3.3 usda forest service wildfire activities
23.4 conclusion