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足疗治百病 英文版 纪青山 编著 2009年版

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  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 阅读软件: Adobe Reader
足疗治百病 英文版
作者:纪青山 编著
Chapter 1 Introduction to Foot Therapy
I. Origin and Development of Foot Therapy
II. Foot Therapy Indications
Chapter 2 Foot Diagnosis
I. Reflecting Areas of Internal Organs on Foot
II. General Examination
III. Physical Examination on Foot
Chapter 3 Foot Meridians and Acupoints
I. Foot Meridians
II. Foot Acupoints
III. Extra Foot Acupoints
Chapter 4 Foot Acupuncture
I. Method of Localizing Foot Acupoints
II. Foot Acupoints (FA)
III. Principles for Selecting Acupoints
IV. Application Methods
V. Precautions
Chapter 5 Other Foot Therapies
I. Foot Massage
II. Foot Acupuncture
III. Application of Drugs on Foot
IV. Foot Bath
Chapter 6 Treatment of Common Diseases
I. Medical Diseases
1. Common cold (influenza)
2. Cough
3. Pulmonary tuberculosis
4. Asthma