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海洋法前沿 新议题与新挑战 英文版 薛桂芳,郑洁主编 2017年版

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海洋法前沿 新议题与新挑战 英文版
作者: 薛桂芳,郑洁主编
出版时间: 2017年版
  为探讨国际海洋法的新议题和新挑战,促进学界对海洋法前沿问题的研究与交流,上海交通大学海洋法治研究中心联合上海高校智库、上海社会科学创新研究基地“国家海洋战略与权益研究基地”组织海洋法相关领域的专家和学者共同出版“The Law of the Sea and Emerging Issues”一书。
Editors' Note & Acknowledgments
List of Editors and Contributors
List of Abbreviations

Part I Climate Change Impact on the World Oceans
Chapter 1 The International Matidme Law Response to Climate Change:
The Quest for the Shipping Industry's "Fair Share" of GHG
Emissions Reduction
Chapter 2 The International Law of the Sea: Implications of
Climate Change
Chapter 3 International Progress of Ocean Governance in Areas
beyond National Jurisdiction : A Literature Review
Shuguang ZJU , Peng YIN , Peili DUAN

Part II Marine Environment and Biodiversity Protection
Chapter 4 Protecting Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National
Jurisdiction:Institutional Considerations for a New
International Agreement under United Nations
Convention on Law of the Sea
Andrew FRIEDMAN , Nichola CLARK,Joan YANG ,
Kristina Maria GJERDE , David FREESTONE,and HSnnie LA U
Chapter 5 Environmental Impact Assessment in Areas beyond
National Jurisdiction:Optiom for a New International
Chapter 6 Towards Best Practice Management of Coral Reefs and
Marine Protected Areas in the South China Sea:
Challenges and Opportunities /83
Laurence McCOOK Jiansheng LIAN , Xinming LEI,Zhu CHEN,
Guifang(Julia) XUE, Ling CAO, Shang CHEN, Put ANG,

Part III New Issues in Maritime Dispute Settlement
Chapter 7 Escalating Tensions or Enhanced Opportunities for
Maritime Cooperation in the East China Sea?
Seokwoo LEE
Chapter 8 The Impact of ICJ's Preliminary Decision on the Nicaragua
v. Colombia Case to the East China Sea
Maritime Boundary Disputes
Leonardo BERNARD
Chapter 9 Legal Effect of the Chinese Traditional Maritime Boundary
Zhihua ZHENG

Part IV Governance of Polar Regions
Chapter 10 The Establishment of the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area
and Possible Implications
flanye TANG
Chapter 11 Time to Ask :What can China Contribute to the
Yitong CHEN
Chapter 12 China and Antarctic Governance:An Emerging Power's
Interests and Responsibilities
Liu HE

Part V Development of Deep Seabed Mining Regime
Chapter 13 Effective Environmental Management of Deep Sea Mines
in Operations :A Perspective from Industry
Chong WANG
Chapter 14 China's Deep Seabed Law:An Effective Tool for
Environmental Protection?
Xiangxin XU