2014中国(大连)第三届世界海洋大会论文集 英文版
出版时间: 2014年版
Dehydration and Protein Retention of Starfish by Different Drying Approaches
The Structure and Functions of ECS for Enhancing Safety and Surveillance of Small Ships
Effects of ZnO Nanoparticles on Goldfish Superoxide Dismutase
Responsibilities of Classification Societies
The Research on the Local Legislation's Legitimate Procedure of the Management of Fishing Vessels in Liaoning Province
Fishing Vessel Claims Work-related Situation Analysis and Recommendations
Study of the Total Lipid Extraction and the Fatty Acid Compositions of Two Microalgae
Related Issues about the Dominant Varieties and Liaoning Ocean Agricultural Development
Research on Improving and Perfecting Chinese Marine Legal System Based on the Perspective of Sea Power
Criminal Law Sets Sail on Maritime Waters
Exploration of the Construction of Marine Ecological Civilization
The Changes of Zn (Ⅱ) Forms in the Rhizosphere Environment of Suaeda Heteroptera Kitag
The Status and Conservation of the Mangrove Resources in Hainan
The Discussion based on Ecological Environment and Sustainable Development
Prevention of the Environment by Enhanced Use of Digital Technology
The New Profit Chain from New Fisheries Technologies
Research Advances of Probiotics in Aquaculture
Study on Development and Utilization of Dalian Marine Resources
Use of Forensic Fingerprinting Techniques to Identify Sources of \