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自然史 第9卷 英文版 (法)布封 著 2017年版

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自然史 第9卷 英文版
作者:(法)布封 著
《自然史》原著为法文,共44卷。本版为英国学者James Smith Barr在1797—1807年翻译出版的10卷册,是原著中最精华的部分,主要包括地球的理论、动物史、人类史、家畜驯养史,并简单介绍了矿物和植物等内容。本书可供生物学、生态学、地质学等专业的高校师生和相关科研人员以及博物爱好者阅读。
The Loris
The Javelin Bat
The Serval
The Ocelot
The Margay
The Jackal, and the Adil
The Isatis
The Glutton
The Stinkards
The Pekan, and the Vison
The Sable
The Leming
The Sea Otter
The Canadian Otter
The Seal, Walrus, and the Manati
The Seal
The Walrus, Morse, or Sea-Cow
The Dugon
The Manati
The Nomenclature of Apes
The Orang-Outang, or the Pongo, and the Jocko
The Pithecos, or Pigmy
The Gibbon, or Long-armed Ape
The Magot, or Barbary Ape
The Papion, or the Baboon, properly so called
The Mandrill
The Ouanderou, and the Lowando
The Maimon
The Macaque, and the Egret
The Patas
The Malbrouck, and the Bonnet Chinois
The Mangabey
The Mona
The CaUitrix, or Green Monkey
The Moustac
The Talapoin
The Douc
The Sapajous and the Sagoins
The Ouarine, and the Alouate
The Coaita, and the Exquima
The Sajou
The Sai
The Saimiri
The Saki
The Tamarin
The Ouistiti
The Marikina
The Pinch
The Mico
Account of Some Animals not Expressly Treated of in this Work
1. The White Bear
2. The Tartarian Cow
3. The Tolai
4. The Zisel
5. The Zemni
6. The Pouch
7. The Perouasca
8. The Souslik
9. The Golden-eoloured Mole
10. The White Water-Rat
11. The Guinea-Hog
12. The Wild Boar of Cape Verd
13. The Mexican Wolf.
14. The Alco
15. The Tayra, or Galera
16. The Philander of Surinam
17. The Akouchi
18. The Tucan
19. The Field-Mouse of Brasil
20. The Aperea
21. The Tapeti
Supplement to the Quadrupeds
The Crab-Eater
Anonymous Animal
Madagascar Rat
Of the Degeneration of Animals