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实用中医推拿详图解 英文版 潘畅 著 2012年版

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实用中医推拿详图解 英文版
作者:潘畅 著
  With the growing understanding of traditional Chinese medicinein the West, its undeniable efficacy is beginning to catch theattention of people all over the world. In order to provide Westernreaders with a clearer understanding of this exotic ancient flowerof traditional Chinese medicine, this book presents over twentyclinical cases of diseases which can be effectively treated throughthe use of massage therapy, It also introduces sixty-one massagetechniques for relief from fatigue in different body parts, forkeeping fit and for adjuvant treatment. All of this is accompaniedby detailed illustrations, which make the book invaluable andconvenient for both learners and practitioners of Chinese massagetherapy.《实用中医推拿详图解(英文版)》由潘畅所著。
Part One: Chinese Massage for Illnesses
Chronic Gastritis
Gastrointestinal Neurosis
Cervical Spondylopathy
Sprain of Neck
Scapulohumeral Periarthritis
Cubital Soft Tissue Contusion
Thoracic Soft Tissue Contusion
Lumbar Muscle Strain
Acute Lumbar Sprain
Triceps Muscle and Achilles Tendon Sprain
Sprain of Ankle
Infantile Abdominal Pain
Infantile Diarrhea
Infantile Night Crying
Infantile Malnutrition
Chronic Pelvic Inflammation
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome.
Chronic Rhinitis
Part Two: Chinese Massage for Fitness
Relief from Fatigue in Different Body Parts-
Eye strain
In the neck
In the shoulder
In the waist
Ache all over
Keeping Fit
Head massage
Ear region massage
Neck massage
Hand and arm massage
Foot and leg massage
Keeping a sound mind and improving intelligence
(alleviate hypomnesis)
Relieving uneasiness of the mind and body tranquilization
(alleviate chest pain and nervousness)
Nourishing and protecting the liver
(reduce restlessness and irritability)
Strengthening the spleen and stomach
(treat anorexia and abdominal distention)
Improving the function of the lung to supplement qi
(alleviate chest tightness and shortness of breath)
Invigorating the kidney and replenishing vital essence
(treat lassitude in loin and knees)
Improving one's looks by nourishing the face
Enlarging breasts
Reducing weight
Adjuvant Treatment
Cold and headache
Sore throat
Menopausal syndrome (flush, palpitation, and restlessness).
Chronic diarrhea
Hyperlipemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension
Appendix 1: Bone-Length Measurement
Appendix 2: Commonly Used Points
