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全国高等医药院校试用教材 诊断学体格检查精要 姜海行 主编 2009年版

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全国高等医药院校试用教材 诊断学体格检查精要
作者:姜海行 主编
丛编项: 全国高等医药院校试用教材
Chapter1.Basic Methods in the Physical Examination and Examination of the General Status
第一章 基本检查法和一般检查
1.1 Inspection视诊
1.1.1 General Visual Inspection全身视诊
1.1.2 Close Visual Inspection局部视诊
1.2 Palpation触诊
1.2.1 Structures Examined by Palpation触诊的部位
1.2.2 Specific Qualities Elicited by Palpation触诊获取的特征
1.2.3 Methods of Palpation触诊方法
1.2.4 Cautions of Palpation触诊注意事项
1.3 Percussion叩诊
1.3.1 Indirect Method of Percussion间接叩诊法
1.3.2 Direct Percussion直接叩诊法
1.3.3 Sonorous Percussion叩诊音
1.4 Auscultation听诊
1.4.1 Methods of the Auscultation听诊方法
1.4.2 Use of the Stethoscope听诊器的使用
1.5 Olfactory Examination(Smell)嗅诊
1.6 Examination of the General Status全身状态的检查
1.6.1 Vital Signs生命征
1.6.2 Development发育
1.6.3 Nutrition States营养状态
1.6.4 Conscious State意识状态
1.6.5 Facial Features and Expression面容与表情
1.6.6 Position1本位
1.6.7 Gait步态
1.7 Skin and Mucosa皮肤黏膜
1.7.1 Skin Coloration肤色
1.7.2 Skin Elasticity皮肤弹性
1.7.3 Skin Eruption皮疹
1.7.4 Subcutaneous Hemorrhage皮下出血
1.7.5 Spider Angioma and Palmar Erythema蜘蛛痣与肝掌
1.7.6 Edema水肿
1.8 Lymph Nodes淋巴结
1.8.1 Distribution of Superficial Lymph Node表浅淋巴结分布
1.8.2 The Examination of Superficial Lymph Node浅表淋巴结检查
1.8.3 Enlargement of Lymph Nodes淋巴结肿大
Chapter2.Examination of Head and Neck
第二章 头颈部检查
2.1 Head头部
2.1.1 Hair,Skull and Scalp头发、头皮与头颅
2.1.2 Eyes眼
2.1.3 Ears耳
2.1.4 Nose鼻
2.1.5 Mouth口控
2.2 Neck颈部
2.2.1 Shape and Regions of the Neck颈部外形与分区
2.2.2 Position and Movements of the Neck颈部姿势与运动
2.2.3 Cervical Vessels颈部血管
2.2.4 Thyroid甲状腺
2.2.5 Trachea气管
第三章 肺脏和乳腺检查
3.1 Thorax胸腔
3.1.1 Bone Landmarks in Thoracic Skeleton胸廓的骨性标志
3.1.2 Structures of the Pleura胸膜的结构
3.1.3 Structure of the Airway气道的结构
3.1.4 Structures of the Lung肺的结构
3.2 Lung肺部
3.2.1 Inspection视诊
3.2.2 Palpation触诊
3.2.3 Percussion叩诊
3.2.4 Auscultation听诊
3.2.5 Special Techniques特殊检查
3.3 Common Disease in Respiratory System呼吸系统常见疾病
3.3.1 Physical Characteristic of Emphysema肺气肿的特点
3.3.2 Physical Characteristic of Pneumothorax气胸的特点
3.3.3 Physical Characteristic of Pleural Effusion胸腔积液的特点
3.3.4 Lobar Pneumonia大叶性肺炎
3.3.5 Asthma哮喘
3.3.6 Chronic Bronchitis慢性支气管炎
3.4 Breast乳腺
3.4.1 Inspection视诊
3.4.2 Palpation触诊
3.4.3 Common Breast Lesions常见的乳房病变
第四章 心血管系统检查
4.1 Heart·心脏
4.1.1 Inspection望诊
4.1.2 Palpation角虫诊
4.1.3 Percussion叩诊
4.1.4 Auscultation听诊
4.2 Blood血管
4.2.1 Inspection视诊
4.2.2 Palpation角虫诊
4.2.3 Auscultation听诊
4.2.4 Peripheral Vascular Sign外周血管征
4.2.5 Blood Pressure血压
4.3 Common Diseases in Circulatory System循环系统常见疾病
4.3.1 Mitral Stenosis二尖瓣狭窄
4.3.2 Mitral Insufficiency二尖瓣关闭不全
4.3.3 Aortic Stenosis主动脉瓣狭窄
4.3.4 Aortic Insufficiency主动脉瓣关闭不全
4.3.5 Pericardial Effusion心包积液
4.3.6 Hear Failure心力衰竭
第五章 腹部检查
5.1 Topographic Divisions of the Abdomen腹部的分区
5.1.1 The Anterior Landmark of Body前面的体表标志
5.1.2 The Posterior Landmark of Body背后部的体表标志
5.1.3 The Four Quadrants of Abdomen四分区法
5.1.4 Nine Zones九分区法
5.1.5 The Order of Examination Techniques腹部检查的顺序
5.2 Inspection视诊
5.2.1 Contour of the Abdomen腹部外形
5.2.2 The Respiratory Rate呼吸的频率
5.2.3 The Skin皮肤
5.2.4 Hernias疝
5.2.5 The Distention Veins曲张的静脉
5.2.6 The Flank Hemorrhages侧腹壁出血征
5.2.7 The Fistulas瘘管
5.2.8 The Visible Peristalsis可见的蠕动
5.3 Ausculation听诊
5.3.1 Evaluate Bowel Sounds肠鸣音检查
5.3.2 Succussion Splash振水音
5.3.3 Bruits in Abdomen腹部杂音
5.3.4 Peritoneal Rubs腹膜摩擦音
5.4 Percussion叩诊
5.4.1 The Gastric Air Bubble and Spleen胃泡鼓音区和脾脏
5.4.2 Estimate Liver Size肝脏测量
5.4.3 Fist Percussion Over the Liver肝区叩击痛
5.4.4 Evaluation of Ascites腹水的检查
5.5 Palpation触诊
5.5.1 Light Palpation浅部触诊法
5.5.2 Deep Palpation深部触诊法
5.5.3 Rebound Tenderness反跳痛
5.5.4 Liver Palpation肝脏触诊
5.5.5 Gallbladder Palpation胆囊触诊
5.5.6 Spleen Palpation脾脏触诊
5.5.7 Renal Palpation and Tenderness肾脏触诊和输尿管压痛
5.5.8 Survey the Abdomen for Masses腹部包块检查
5.6 Thee Symptoms and Signs of Abdominal Common Disease腹部常见疾病的症状和体征
5.6.1 Peptic Ulcer消化性溃疡
5.6.2 Peritonitis急性腹膜炎
5.6.3 Cirrhosis of the Liver肝硬化
5.6.4 Appendicitis急性阑尾炎
5.6.5 Bowel Obstruction肠梗阻
5.6.6 Abdominal Mass腹部包块
5.7 Examination of Rectum and Anal Canal肛门直肠检查
5.7.1 Examination Position检查体位
5.7.2 Examination Steps检查步骤
第六章 脊柱与四肢检查
6.1 Spine脊柱
6.1.1 Examination Steps检查步骤
6.2 Extremities and Joints四肢关节
6.2.1 Extremities四肢
6.2.2 Joints关节
6.2.3 Muscle Strength肌力
第七章 神经反射
第八章 全身体格检查内容和顺序
第九章 病史采集
第十章 病历书写