心脏病学 心血管内科学教科书 第9版 英文影印版 上卷
作者: (美)RobertO.Bonow,DouglasL.MannDouglas,P.ZipesPeterLibby 主编
英文影印版保持原版的风格,采取单色印刷,将原版彩图以光盘的形式体现,方便读者阅读和参照。心脏病学泰斗Eugene Braunwald教授巅峰力作!
被业内人士称为“所有心血管医生的圣经”! ? 每一章节都由业界公认的权威学者编写,综合了他们各自最新、最重要的研究成果,涉及分子生物学、遗传学、影像学、介入治疗及药物治疗等。全面总结了心脏病学的基础理论知识、重要的科研结果,以及最新的循证证据。
? 本版着重阐述了心脏病学最前沿的知识,包括分子成像、血管内超声、心血管再生和组织工程、通过器械检测心衰程度及心衰的器械治疗、房颤的治疗、结构性心脏疾病、Chagasic心脏病、心血管医学伦理学、临床试验设计和执行等研究热点。
? 对美国心脏病学会心血管疾病的最新指南进行了总结。
? 内容全面,论述精辟、版式设计合理,附有约2500幅精美图片和600张表格。
? 为广大心血管专业医师、内科医师及医学生提供了最权威的指导和最佳的可行性方法。是学习心血管医学不可或缺的学习工具和案头参考书! 该书分为10部分,共94章,除了继续保持前几版的风格和传统,内容覆盖心脏病学领域的各个部分,注重介绍疾病预防与诊治的最新进展之外,还对全书进行了全面的更新。在之前版本基础上新增了9章,而且有24章增加了新的内容。本版着重阐述了心脏病学最前沿的知识,包括分子成像、血管内超声、心血管再生和组织工程、通过器械检测心衰程度及心衰的器械治疗、房颤的治疗、结构性心脏疾病、Chagasic心脏病、心血管医学伦理学、临床试验设计和执行等研究热点。此外本书还对美国心脏病学会心血管疾病的最新指南进行了总结,并附有约2500幅精美图片和600张表格。为广大心血管专业医师、内科医师及医学生提供了最权威的指导和最佳的可行性方法,是学习心血管医学不可或缺的学习工具和案头参考书!
Part I.General Considerations of Cardiovascular Disease
1.Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease
2.Economics and Cardiovascular Disease
3.Clinical Decision Making in Cardiology
4.Measurement and Improvement of Quality in Heart Disease
5.General Principles of Drug Treatment
6.End of Life
Part II.Examination of the Patient
7.The History
8.Physical Examination of the Heart and Circulation
10.Exercise Stress Testing
12.Radiology of the Heart and Great Vessels
13.Nuclear Cardiology
14.Newer Cardiac Imaging: MRI
15.Newer Cardiac Imaging: CT
16.Relative Merits of Cardiac Diagnostic Techniques
17.Cardiac Catheterization
18.Coronary Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging
Part III.Heart Failure
19.Mechanisms of Cardiac Contraction and Relaxation
20.Assessment of Normal and Abnormal Cardiac Function
21.Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
22.Clinical Aspects of Heart Failure: High-Output Failure; Pulmonary Edema
23.Treatment of Heart Failure: Pharmacological Methods
24.Management of Heart Failure
25.Treatment of Heart Failure: Assisted Circulation
26.Heart and Heart-Lung Transplantation
Part IV.Arrhythmias, Sudden Death and Syncope
27.Genesis of Cardiac Arrhythmias: Electrophysiological Considerations
28.Genetics of Cardiac Arrhythmia
29.Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia
30.Management of Patient with Arrhythmias
31.Cardiac Pacemakers and Devices
32.Specific Arrhythmias
33.Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death
34.Arrhythmias and Syncope
Part V.Preventive Cardiology
35.Vascular Biology of Atherogenesis
36.Risk Factors for Atherosclerotic Disease
37.Systemic Hypertension: Mechanisms and Diagnosis
38.Systemic Hypertension: Treatment of Hypertension
39.Diagnosis and Treatment of Lipid Disorders
40.Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
41.Obesity, Diet and Nutrition
42.Primary and Secondary Prevention of CHD
Part VI.Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
44.Coronary Blood Flow and Myocardial Ischemia
45.Approach to the Patient with Chest Pain
46.Acute Myocardial Infarction: Pathology, Pathophysiology and Clinical Features
47.Acute Myocardial Infarction: Management
48.Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction
49.Unstable Angina
50.Chronic Coronary Artery Disease
51.Diabetes and Heart Disease
52.Percutaneous Coronary and Valvular Intervention
53.Diseases of the Aorta
54.Peripheral Arterial Diseases
55.Extracardiac Vascular Interventions
Part VII.Disease of the Heart, Pericardium, and Pulmonary Vascular Bed
56.Congenital Heart Disease in Children and Adults
57.Valvular Heart Disease
58.Infective Endocarditis
61.Cardiovascular Abnormalities in HIV-Infected Individuals
62.Toxins and the Heart
63.Primary Tumors of the Heart
64.Pericardial Diseases
65.Traumatic Heart Disease
66.Pulmonary Embolism
67.Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale
68.Sleep Disorders and Heart Disease
Part VIII.Molecular Biology and Genetics
69.Principles of Cardiovascular Molecular Biology and Genetics
70.Cardiac Regeneration
Part IX.Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations
71.Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly
72.Heart Disease in Women
73.Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease
74.Cardiovascular Disease in Athletes
75.Medical Management of the Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
76.General Anesthesia and Noncardiac Surgery in Patients with Heart Disease
77.Heart Disease in Varied Populations
Part X.Cardiovascular Disease and Disorders of Other Organ Systems
78.Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly
79.Heart Disease in Women
80.Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease
81.Cardiovascular Disease in Athletes
82.Medical Management of the Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
83.General Anesthesia and Noncardiac Surgery in Patients with Heart Disease
84.Heart Disease in Varied Populations Index