雪人 汉英双语诗集
雪人 Snowman 校花 Campus Belle 嗍螺蛳 Sucking Snails 见面 Meeting 纸上的情人 Lover in Paper 绝情诗 A Poem of Heartlessness 残忍 Cruelty 坏脾气 Bad Temper 虚掩的门 The Unlatched Door 谁在敲门 Whos Knocking the Door 你的守望似乎永无结果 Your Keeping Watch Seems to be Fruitless 小也 Love ls Small 读特朗斯特罗姆 Reading Transtromer 虚掩的门 The Unlatched Door 谁也无法看到玻璃的内心 Nobody Can See Heart of Glass 瓷房子 Porcelain House 凶手 Murderer 子弹 Bullet 谁也无法看到玻璃的内心 Nobody Can See Heart of Glass 小偷偷走了母亲的乳房 Thief Has Stolen Mothers Breasts 河流 River 遇见 Meet 两条河流 Two Rivers 小偷偷走了母亲的乳房 Thief Has Stolen Mothers Breasts 十万大山 The Ten Thousand Mountain 秋风醉 Autumn Wind Drunken 柳州 Liuzhou 城市的黄昏 Dusk of City 十万大山 The Ten Thousand Mountain 芒果 Mango 一个人的月亮 One Mans Moon 瘦月 The Thin Moon 遇见自己 Meeting Myself 一个人的月亮 One Mans Moon 星星是你给我的谎言 Stars Are Lies You Gave to Me 月亮人 Moonman 满月 The Full Moon 静静地发一会儿呆 Quiet in a Daze for a Short While火车是个蹩脚的歌手 The Train is a Shoddy Singer 老站房 Old Railway Station Building 火车向南 The Train Going Southward 火车开,火车不开 The Train Goes or does not Go 站台 Platform 我感觉树在飞 I Feel Trees Flying 火车是个蹩脚的歌手 The Train is a Shoddy Singer 我的苦难是你的一道风景 My Suffering is One of Your Scenes 沉香 Tambac 黄花梨 Scented Rosewood 高于春天的事物 Things Higher than the Spring 石头记 Story of Stone 壶口 Hukou Waterfall 戈壁 Gobi 我的苦难是你的一道风景 My Suffering is One of Your Scenes 父亲 Father 我终于替代父亲 Finally I Replace My Father 故乡的云 Cloud of Hometown 高速路旁的一条老路 An Old Road Beside the Super Highway 在加速的时代寻找缓慢的爱 Looking for Slow Love in an Accelerating Time 迁徙 Migration 在铁岭遇到一场雪 Meeting a Snow in Tieling City 逆时针 Anticlockwise 加法·减法 Addition,Subtraction 高速路旁的一条老路 An Old Road Beside the Super Highway 这就是意义 This Is the Very Meaning 大海不停地运送浪花 The Sea Conveying Spindrifts Endlessly 一只蜗牛的慢 Slowness of a Snail 逆行 Retrograde 田耳的外婆 Grandma of Tian Er 小草不是风的奴仆 Little Grass is not Slave of Wind 这就是意义 This is the Very Meaning 记忆的诗 Poetry on Memory 在雨中复活一朵菊花 A Chrysanthemum Resurrects in Rain 残花 Remnant Flower 四月 April 夏天 Summer 在雨中复活一朵菊花 A Chrysanthemum Resurrects in Rain 与一朵紫荆花的战争 War Against a Chinese Redbud Flower 放不下 Unable to Let Go