原道之旅 厄秀拉 勒奎恩科幻文学研究
厄秀拉·勒奎恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)是享誉世界的科幻文学大师。本书结合西方女性主义、乌托邦文学、生态批评等理论,剖析了勒奎恩的《黑暗的左手》、《一无所有》、《永远回家》、《天钧》等重要代表作品,探讨了勒奎恩作品中处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然的关系的基本指导原则----道家思想,是如何与女性主义、生态主义、乌托邦思想交织和融合的。本书是国内第一部以厄秀拉·勒奎恩及其作品为研究对象的专著。科幻文学是当代文学的重要组成部分,读者受众影响广泛,但在文学研究领域中却存在着较大的学术空白。本书希望在加强这一薄弱环节建设的同时,对东西方文化文学对比研究这一宏大课题进行有益的探索和补充。
I. Ursula K. Le Guin's Life and Works
II. A Brief Survey of Le Guin Criticism
III. Science Fiction and Fantasy: Literary Genres
IV. The Theoretical Frame and Structure
Chapter One The Interplay of Yin and Yang
1.1 Taoism, Feminism and Science Fiction
1.1.1 Taoism and Feminism
1.1.2 Feminist Science Fiction
1.2 The Elimination of Gender Boundary: from Feminism to Androgyny
1.2.1 An Awakened Woman in The Eye of the Heron
1.2.2 Woman's Coming of Age in Earthsea Series
1.2.3 Androgyny in The Left Hand of Darkness
Chapter Two The Interrelativity of Being and Non-Being
2.1 Taoism and Utopianism
2.1.1 The Taoist Utopian Thoughts
2.1.2 The Dream and Ambiguity of Utopia
2.1.3 Utopian Literature and Science Fiction
2.2 The Dispossessed: Thought-Experiment of Taoism
Chapter Three The Harmony of Human and Nature
3.1 Taoism and Ecologism
3.1.1 Ecological Consciousness in Taoism
3.1.2 Ecocriticism in Literature
3.2 Towards Harmony
3.2.1 Dream and Reality: The Lathe of I-Ieaven
3.2.2 Human and Other Species: Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences
3.2.3 Future History: Always Coming Home
Chapter Four Le Guin's Quest for Tao
4.1 Le Guin's Involvement with Tao
4.2 In Search of Tao
4.2.1 Le Guin's English Version of Tao Te Ching
4.2.2 Major Taoist Concepts in Le Guin's Understanding
Works Cited