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丛编项: 中国传统文化系列 蔡志忠漫画中英文版 道家思想
  中国早期思想家的著作影响了中国文化和社会的方方面面,从教育到艺术,从政治到战争到日常礼节。广受欢迎的漫画家蔡志忠先生一直致力于用他独特而富有吸引力的画风将这些古代经典著儿的智慧带入生活。这一中国传统思想系列漫画映射出历史上伟大的思想家们的光辉;包括:·孔子,和谐生活的智慧·老子,道家自然生活的智慧·庄子,道家自由与自然的智慧·孙子,不战而胜的智慧·禅师,生活在瞬间的智慧蔡志忠先生最早是因为他获奖的多部动画电影和每日连载漫画引起大众的关注的。在长期的自学之后,蔡志忠先生将创作方向转移到经典著作上。作品广受评论家的好评并快速成为畅销书。蔡先生的书已被美国知名 如,PrincetonUniversityPress和Knopf出版。BrianBruya是此系列书美国版的译者,拥有夏威夷大学比较哲学的博士的学位。他是中国早期哲学研究领域的专家和翻译,同时还是一个关于中国哲学研究的网站“书海文苑”的总编辑。

Zhan gzi
The Winter Cicada and the Wonder Tortoise
The Little Sparrow‘s Small Happiness
Hui Shi‘s Giant Gourd
The Song Family‘s Secret Formula
The Useless Sbu Tree
The Tattooed ~ue People
The Music of the Earth
Zhao Wen Quits the Zither
Does Wang Ni Know?
Is Xi Shi Really Beautiful?
Li Ji‘ s Tears
Zhang Wuzi‘ s Dream
Dialogue With a Shadow
The Dream of the Butterfly
Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk
Hui Shi Leans Against a Tree
Paoding Carves Up a Cow
Passing on the Flame
The Caged Chicken
The Mantis Stops a Cart
The Horse Lover
The Earth Spirit‘s Tree
A Tree‘s Natural Life Span
The Freak
Oil Bums Itself Out
The Tiger Trainer
Toeless Sbu
Nature the Superhero
Forgetting the Dao
Zi Sang Questions His Fate
Digging A Hole in the Ocean Floor
Are a Duck‘s Legs Too Short?
The Lost Goat
Thieves Have Principles, Too
Good Wine, Bad Wine
The Emperor Goes to Guang Chengzl
Nature‘ s Friend
The old Wheelwright
The Earth and the Sky
Crows and Seagulls
Confucius Sees a Dragon
Don‘t Ring the Bull‘s Nose
The Wind and the Snake
Courage of the Sage
The Frog in the Well
Learning How to Walk in Handan
A Crow Eating a Dead Rat
You‘re Not a Fish
Zhuangzi Dreams of a Skeleton
Sea Birds Don‘t Like Music
The Drunk Passenger
Riding With Nature
The Sweet Water is Gone First
Lin Hui Forsakes a Fortune
Swallows Nest in the Eaves
The Mantis Getting the Cicada
Fan Was Never Destroyed
Knowledge and The Dao
Geng Sangchu Forsakes Fame
The Yellow Emperor and the Pastureboy
The Stone Mason and the Ying Man
Two Nations on a Snail‘s Antennae
Zhuangzi Borrows Grain
The Turtle That Could Predict the Future
Natural Use
After Catching the Fish, Discard the Trap
Yang Zhu Studies the Dao
Zi Gong‘s Snow White Clothes
The Villain Speaks
Zhuangzi‘s Three Swords
Confucius in the Black Forest
The Man Who Hated His Footprints
The Man Who Hated His Shadow
Like a Drifting Boat
The Dragonslayer
Shattering the Dragonpearl
Don‘t Make Sacrefices
Zhuangzi on His Desthbed