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美术英语 陆薇,胡晓丽主编 2019年版

  • 大小:23.65 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 阅读软件: Adobe Reader
出版时间: 2019年版



Unit 1

Ⅰ. Text: Painted Pottery

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Hemudu Cultural Relics

Unit 2


Ⅱ. Dialogue: Hieroglyphic Writing

Unit 3

Ⅰ..Text:.Bronze.Ware.and.Calligraphy.(Ⅱ).Bronze.Characters. (Jinwen)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Houmuwu Ding

Unit 4

Ⅰ. Text: The Terracotta Warriors


Unit 5


Ⅱ. Dialogue: Tsinghua Bamboo Slips

Unit 6

Ⅰ. Text: Chinese Lacquer Ware

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Japanese Lacquer WareUnit 7

Ⅰ..Text:.Calligraphy.(Ⅳ).Seal.Script.(Zhuanshu) and Clerical Script (Lishu)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Seals

Unit 8

Ⅰ. Text: Taoist Painting and Gu Kaizhi

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Origin and Main Ideas of Taoism

Unit 9

Ⅰ. Text: Dunhuang Art of the Northern Wei Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Buddhism Arriving in China

Unit 10


Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Three Rare Models

Unit 11

Ⅰ. Text: Court Painting in the Tang Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Standard of Beauty in the Tang Dynasty

Unit 12

Ⅰ. Text: Historical Painting in the Tang Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Imperial Palanquin

Unit 13

Ⅰ. Text: Animal Painting in the Tang Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Night-shining White and Five Bulls

Unit 14

Ⅰ. Text: Landscape Painting in the Tang Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Wang Wei’s Snow and Stream and His Poetry

Unit 15

Ⅰ. Text: Three-color Glazed Figurines in the Tang Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Development of Porcelain Before and During the Tang Dynasty

Unit 16

Ⅰ. Text: Calligraphy (Ⅵ) Formal Script (Kaishu)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty.

Unit 17

Ⅰ. Text: Landscape Painting of the Northern Song Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Along the River During the Qingming Festival

Unit 18

Ⅰ. Text: The Imperial Painting Academy

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Emperor Song Huizong

Unit 19

Ⅰ. Text: Flower and Bird Painting in the Song Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Emperor Song Huizong as a Great Calligrapher

Unit 20

Ⅰ. Text: Figure Painting (Ⅰ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Summer Cooling under the Pagoda Tre

Unit 21

Ⅰ. Text: Literati Painting (Ⅰ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Fan Kuan and Other Painters

Unit 22

Ⅰ. Text: Calligraphy (Ⅶ) Running Style (Xingshu) and Imitation of Ancient Models

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Calligraphers from the Su Family

Unit 23

Ⅰ. Text: Porcelain (Ⅰ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Five Great Kilns

Unit 24

Ⅰ. Text: The Four Great Masters of the Yuan Dynasty

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Zhao Mengfu and His Autumn Colours on the Qiao and Hua Mountains

Unit 25

Ⅰ. Text: Literati Painting (Ⅱ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Tang Yin and Wen Zhengming

Unit 26

Ⅰ. Text: Figure Painting (Ⅱ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Qiu Ying and Chen Hongshou

Unit 27

Ⅰ. Text: Figure Painting (Ⅲ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Four Treasures of the Study

Unit 28

Ⅰ. Text: Landscape Painting (Ⅲ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou

Unit 29

Ⅰ. Text: Calligraphy (Ⅷ) Modern and Contemporary


Ⅱ. Dialogue: Qi Gong

Unit 30

Ⅰ. Text: Porcelain (Ⅱ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Jingdezhen

Unit 31

Ⅰ. Text: Modern Painting (Ⅰ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: Freehand Brushwork

Unit 32

Ⅰ. Text: Modern Painting (Ⅱ)

Ⅱ. Dialogue: The Fusion of Chinese and Western Art
