环境技术基础:供水、废物管理与污染控制(第5版 英文影印版)
丛编项: 大学环境教育丛书
1 basic concepts 1
1.1 overview of environmental technology 2
1.2 public health 6
1.3 ecology 9
1.4 geology and soils 16
1.5 historical perspective 21
1.6 chapter synopsis 23
1.1 relevant web sites 24
review questions 25
2 hydraulics 27
2.1 pressure 28
2.2 flow 33
2.3 flow in pipes under pressure 37
2.4 gravity flow in pipes 40
2.5 nonuniform open channel flow 47
2.6 computer applications in hydraulics 51
2.7 chapter synopsis 52
2.8 relevant web sites 53
review questions 53
practice problems 54
3 hydrology 57
3.1 water use and availability 57
3.2 the hydrologic cycle 58
3.3 rainfall 60
3.4 surface water 67
3.5 droughts 72
3.6 reservoirs 74
3.7 groundwater 78
3.8 chapter synopsis 82
3.9 relevant web sites 83
review questions 84
practice problems 85
4 water quality 89
4.1 fundamental concepts in chemistry 90
4.2 physical parameters of water quality 101
4.3 chemical parameters of water quality 102
4.4 biological parameters of water quality 109
4.5 water sampling 115
4.6 chapter synopsis 118
4.7 relevant web sites 119
review questions 120
practice problems 121
5 water pollution 123
5.1 classification of water pollutants 124
5.2 thermal pollution 125
5.3 soil erosion and sediment control 126
5.4 stream pollution 128
5.5 lake pollution 132
5.6 groundwater pollution 135
5.7 ocean pollution 138
5.8 water quality standards 141
5.9 clean water action plan 142
5.10 chapter synopsis 144
5.11 relevant web sites 145
review questions 146
practice problems 147
6 drinking water purification 149
6.1 safe drinking water act 151
6.2 sedimentation 156
6.3 coagulation and flocculation 160
6.4 filtration 163
6.5 disinfection 167
6.6 other treatment processes 173
6.7 chapter synopsis 178
6.8 relevant web sites 179
review questions 180
practice problems 181
7 water distribution systems 183
7.1 design factors 184
7.2 water mains 186
7.3 centrifugal pumps 193
7.4 distribution storage 202
7.5 flow in pipe networks 206
7.6 computer applications 212
7.7 chapter synopsis 215
7.8 relevant web sites 216
review questions 217
practice problems 218
8 sanitary sewer systems 221
8.1 sanitary sewer design 222
8.2 sewage lift stations 233
8.3 sewer construction 236
8.4 infiltration and inflow 241
8.5 sewer rehabilitation 243
8.6 alternative wastewater collection systems 246
8.7 computer applications and gis 249
8.8 chapter synopsis 251
8.9 relevant web sites 252
review questions 253
practice problems 254
9 stormwater management 255
9.1 estimating storm runoff 256
9.2 storm sewer systems 263
9.3 best management practices 267
9.4 floodplains 275
9.5 control of combined sewer overflow 277
9.6 computer applications 281
9.7 chapter synopsis 283
9.8 relevant web sites 284
review questions 285
practice problems 285
10 wastewater treatment and disposal 287
10.1 legislation and standards 288
10.2 preliminary and primary treatment 290
10.3 secondary (biological) treatment 293
10.4 tertiary (advanced) treatment 309
10.5 on-site (decentralized) wastewater treatment and disposal 315
10.6 sludge (biosolids) management 326
10.7 operation and maintenance 336
10.8 chapter synopsis 338
10.9 relevant web sites 339
review questions 340
practice problems 342
11 municipal solid waste 343
11.1 historical background 344
11.2 solid waste characteristics 345
11.3 solid waste collection 347
11.4 solid waste processing 350
11.5 recycling 359
11.6 sanitary landfills 368
11.7 chapter synopsis 376
11.8 relevant web sites 377
review questions 378
practice problems 379
12 hazardous waste management 381
12.1 characteristics and quantities 383
12.2 transportation of hazardous waste 386
12.3 treatment, storage, and disposal 388
12.4 site remediation 396
12.5 hazardous waste minimization 409
12.6 chapter synopsis 411
12.7 relevant web sites 412
review questions 413
13 air pollution and control 415
13.1 historical background 416
13.2 atmospheric factors 416
13.3 types, sources, and effects 420
13.4 global air pollution 426
13.5 indoor air quality 433
13.6 air sampling and measurement 437
13.7 air pollution control 445
13.8 chapter synopsis 457
13.9 relevant web sites 459
review questions 460
practice problems 461
14 noise pollution and control 463
14.1 basic physics of sound 464
14.2 measurement of noise 466
14.3 effects of noise 472
14.4 noise mitigation 472
14.5 chapter synopsis 477
14.6 relevant web sites 478
review questions 478
practice problems 479
a environmental impact studies and audits 481
b role of the technician and the technologist 489
c review of basic mathematics, units, and unit conversions 493
d glossary and abbreviations 505
e selected references, software, and video
resources 519
f answers to practice problems 521
g color photographs 534
index 523