中文名: DK目击者丛书:木乃伊(英文原版)原名: DK Eyewitness Books:Mummy
作者: 图书
发行时间: 2009年03月
Help your child learn all about mummies using the new editionof this fact-packed
guide with a giant wall chart, interactiveclip-art CD and dedicated website. From
the chemicals Egyptiansused to embalm their mummies, to the artifacts buried with
bodiesto take into the afterlife; let your child learn all about thevaried and
fascinating ways people have preserved the dead. They‘llfind out more by
downloading 100s of amazing images from theclip-art CD. Then use the giant pull-
out wall chart to decoratetheir room. Great for projects or just for fun, make sure
yourchild learns everything they need to know artifacts mummies.
Eyewitness Mummy
What are mummies?
Natural mummies
A land lost in time
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Making a mummy
Wrapping up
Mummy masks
Amulets and magic charms
Mummy cases
Into the sarcophagus
Taking it with you
Workers for the afterlife
The mummy and the god Osiris
The royal mummies
The treasures of Tutankhamun
Curse of the mummy
Greek and Roman mummies
Animal mummies
Unwrapping the mummy’s secrets
Mummies of the Andes
The Iceman
Bog mummies
The mummies of Sicily
Other mummies
did you know?
Find out more