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中国农业国际合作促进会发布《地理标志产品 白洋淀鸭蛋》T/CAI 120-2021 团体标准

2021-04-02 15:29:39 来源:中国农业国际合作促进会

  依据《中国农业国际合作促进会协会标准管理办法》的有关规定,经审查,中国农业国际合作促进会批准《地理标志产品白洋淀鸭蛋》(T/CAI 120—2021)标准发布,现予公告,并自2021年4月1日起实施。

  In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Standards Management Measures of China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation", after review, the CAIstandardfor“Productof geographical indication-Baiyangdian duck egg”(T/CAI 120-2021),wasapproved by the China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation. This standard will be implemented onApril1, 2021.


